Just when I was spending some of my free time on Facebook, I discovered about another cool easter by Google. And after doing some more research, I found the same about Bing too!
And this time, its not made by Google, but some other site. What is the easter? You would have guessed by the title, right?
Google Mirror - elgooG
This easter site was created by a company named 'All Too Flat'. And its a really old one actually but it was worth sharing. On this site, as the title suggests, you see all the text in a mirror style view, i.e. flipped horizontally.
Visit elgoog.im and check yourself.

I have also seen that there is one problem with the site and that is, when you enter any term to search, it returns an error that the doc has moved. So you can't access the result page full of flipped text. But anyways, you can get an idea from the homepage about what it really meant.
And not only that but at the bottom of the page, I found links to some other Google Easters like- Underwater Google, Gravity Google, Guitar and many more. Just visit the site and check it out!
Bing Mirror - gniB
The same thing here. Visit gnib.org and look for yourself. And this time, the search function also works properly. So you can type a term to search and you'll find that the whole SERP (Search Engine Result Page) has mirror like flipped text.

This is what I got when I searched for 'Bing'. Are you able to understand anything? Open the full sized image, then maybe you would get something more clear.
There are still lots of cool mysteries to unfold and there are many interesting secrets hidden in this hugh online world what we call Internet. What do you think about these easters about Google and Bing? Do comment and let me know...