Social media sites are a lazy person’s dream. When you like something, all you need to do is go ‘like’ it or post a smiley or a one word comment. But if you are a blogger or a reader, comments on other blogs are a good way to drive traffic to your own site and if your comment is positive, your comments will make someone’s day.
Nothing engages like conversation, as every blogger knows but even in online conversation, there are certain rules of engagement you should keep in mind. Yes, there is a commenting etiquette to be followed that constitute best practices in blog commenting.
Also read: Blog Commenting Safely Even After Penguin
Also read: Blog Commenting Safely Even After Penguin
For starters, read through the entire post before you think about saying something. Nothing is more confusing and off putting than a half-baked comment. Once you create such an impression, even if you do have something relevant to say the next time, chances are, it may not be taken seriously. Read without bias and then comment.
Don’t think one word or line is enough to do the trick. If your aim is to create awareness of your own presence and to come across as a person who is in the know of things, do write at least a few lines. This is especially important from the blog owner’s point of view who is hoping to engage in a discussion. Your comments will start off the debate and both of you can learn and grow. But that does not mean your comment reads like an essay. Strike a balance and for that, practice what you want to say in short spaces.
Don’t post a comment under the ‘anonymous’ option. Most bloggers disable that option anyway, insisting on a user name but even if they do, the chances of an unknown comment, even if positive, being taken seriously are rather slim. People want to see a face behind the name and even if you’re commenting on behalf of your organization, do use your name.
Another way to create interest in who you are is to link your comments to other pages. These links could be to your Twitter handle or your LinkedIn account. Please remember not to add links to your comments. This comes across as a blatant form of self- promotion that will not please the blogger too much. Linking your social media site profile is a good way for your circle there to get where you’re coming from.
Comment often but not too often so as to become a nuisance. Once you’ve identified blogs you like, ensure that you comment on the content on a daily basis. You would want to anyway, seeing how it is content you like. This will help the blogger identify you as a serious presence and that will go a long way in creating good will.
Read other comments to get more from the process. Other comments are interesting when you need new perspective on a topic. Comments are usually left by interested people and so you can stay updated about industry trends and innovations. Don’t use your comments to engage in angry exchanges with other bloggers. Offensive language that insults a group, gender or race will score you no brownie points with others and you run the risk of being blacklisted by an entire group. So keep your comments clean and relevant to ensure popularity.
Blog commenting is a great way to get in touch with readers and keep in touch with trends and happenings. Follow best practices to ensure meaningful online presence.
Robin Mckenzie has been writing articles related to Technology News, Gadget Reviews and How To's. Also, he does guest posting for, a site that offers great savings and up-to-date information on consumers broadband internet and cable. Visit or you can click here.